Memorial Day is a day of remembrance during which we remember those who have given their all and thank those among us who have lost loved ones in the service of our nation. Some folks confuse it with Veterans Day, which has its own honorable date on the calendar, but this is the day for the fallen. So whether you’re taking the day off from your labors or are at the workplace, please remember and thank God for those who gave their lives so that you might enjoy yours in freedom. I have a friend at this very moment who has been in a Turkish prison since October solely because he is a Christian. It is an unjust situation in what is rapidly becoming a dictatorship nation. What he and his wife would give for him to enjoy just a fraction of the freedoms you and I will enjoy this day. This has helped remind me to not take ours for granted. Although we have all manner of problems and strife in this nation, it is still the greatest on the face of the earth. Let us always remember.