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I recently had the good fortune of having Jimmy Mengel, Managing Editor of the Outsider Club interview me and now publish the interview on their website here.  For those who don’t know, the Outsider Club is an alternative news outlet that is well written and focuses on the importance of protecting one’s personal freedoms when it comes to way of life, financing, travel, protection, etc.  The general point is that government continues growing and gaining more power over our daily lives, while those who stand up to that overreaching end up being marginalized at best and criminalized at worst.  Their tag line is “….Because you’ll never be on the inside.”

The Outsider Club provides a voice of reason and is the trumpeter of news that you wouldn’t normally see on the major networks.  No, they aren’t “fake news”.  Their writing is spot on and can be verified through various original source documents and individuals.  I’ve written before about unreliable media outlets in a previous blog post, but The Outsider Club is not one of them.

Jimmy and I connected some time ago and he thought his readers might take an interest in my line of work: helping concerned citizens prepare for natural or manmade disasters.  I thoroughly enjoyed our back and forth conversation and appreciate being featured on their website.  You can read the article by clicking here.  While you’re there, make sure you subscribe to their news feed.