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As of a few hours ago, a tsunami alert was issued along the west coast of the United States after a 7.2 magnitude earthquake occurred in the Gulf of Alaska.  No reports yet of damage or such, but this shows yet again the suddenness with which life can change.  We all need to be prepared for natural or manmade disasters.  Could you pack up and head to higher ground in minutes?  Do you have a plan?

In our family, we keep “get home bags” in our vehicles so that in the event we get stranded somewhere (such as those poor souls stuck in recent blizzards on rural roads) we have some resources to help us through.  We also keep a three ring binder with copies of important documents we can grab in an instant so that we can rebuild our lives if necessary.  Think of those folks in California late last year who saw their homes go up in flames within minutes of warnings.

In addition to critical documents and go-bags, if your finances allow it, you might consider a bugout property here in the western North Carolina mountains around Asheville.  We certainly aren’t subject to tsunamis, nor are we often impacted by tornados or even earthquakes.  On occasion, we may get large rainfall from the remnants of hurricanes, but flooding is typically localized to the valleys.  Our greatest threat here is fire and the occasional ice storm.  Neither can be prevented, but there are ways to minimize their impact with proper planning, such as the fire resistant paint shown here.  So if you’ve ever thought of having a safe haven on higher ground, give us a call.  We can help you find that survival property or retreat property that provides you the added safety you need.